We are all United in Pink. Each breast cancer patients’ journey is different and reconstruction options are unique to each person. In this special video, hear from survivors and surgeons in our community as they share and encourage others fighting breast cancer that are considering reconstruction choices.

We are all United in Pink. We are a community working together to support and encourage each other. We are Your Breast Cancer Family.

I have scars, but everyone does. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015. I had surgery first, a bilateral mastectomy. I then did 5 months of chemo followed by a couple of surgeries for reconstruction.
– Mary Ann, Breast Cancer Survivor

I had no family history of breast cancer or any kind of cancer, so it caught me by surprise. I went through 8 rounds of chemotherapy then reconstruction. I opted to have a double mastectomy since I had such an aggressive type of breast cancer. I am currently awaiting phase two of my reconstruction.
– Felicia, Breast Cancer Survivor

I learned not to write everything in my calendar with a pen, I can put it with a pencil in there. The night before I was supposed to have reconstruction surgery, the whole world shut down for Covid. My surgery was cancelled. In the meantime, my husband was diagnosed with cancer, my mother passed away, and I changed jobs. From all of that, I could not have reconstruction surgery and I was fitted for prosthetics.
- Toni, Breast Cancer Survivor

Sometimes we feel like we are in the dark and the only ones going through this, but you are not. I was diagnosed with breast cancer after having a biopsy in June. A few months later, I had a bilateral mastectomy. Following that surgery, I had implants put in in December.
– Kelli, Breast Cancer Survivor

In the flat community, we say we are flat and fabulous! I went through chemo, radiation, surgery, and additional chemo. I had an aesthetic flat closure mastectomy, and I am still on preventative medicine today. Together, we can get through this. There are going to be tough days but there is a community here with United in Pink where we can get together and support one another.
– Becky, Breast Cancer Survivor

When I was diagnosed, the first thing I thought about was my mom who passed from breast cancer. I started my treatment and had a double mastectomy. I did not want to risk anything coming back. I, then, had plastic surgery.
- Linda, Breast Cancer Survivor

When I was first diagnosed with breast cancer, I was in shock. I did not cry; I just sat there. I went through several months of chemo and I had a bilateral mastectomy with reconstructive surgery. When you see someone standing there that went through what you went through and they are alive, beautiful, and thriving – that is what you want to see. Keep the faith, always!
- Amy, Breast Cancer Survivor

Every patient will need a reconstruction plan that is specifically tailored to them. That plan can be based on if they need chemotherapy, radiation, and what their goals are. It is my job to present all the options to patients and let them pick the path for themselves.
– Dr. Taylor McLendon, Plastic Surgeon

We are here to fight this with you. I know that when you hear the word cancer, it is life changing. We are here fighting for you, we are going to support you and hold your hand. It is ok to be scared, but know you have a big cheerleader on your side.
– Dr. Ashley Ray, Fellowship Trained Breast Surgeon

Get all the information you can. Breast cancer is handled by multiple specialties, including surgery, radiation oncology, medical oncology, and if you are getting reconstruction, a plastic surgeon.
- Dr. Arnold Conforti, Surgical Oncologist
Thank you to The Plastic Surgery Foundation for partnering with us on this Breast Reconstruction Awareness series.